Trucchi Guitar Hero World Tour

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view post Posted on 28/11/2008, 14:54

Sul menu principale selezionate Opzioni, quindi Codici. In questa schermata utilizzate i seguenti codici per sbloccare l'effetto corrispondente.
Blue, Red, Yellow(5), Green Aaron Steele!
Red(2), Blue, Yellow, Green(3), Yellow Air Instruments
Green(2), Red(2), Yellow, Red, Yellow, Blue Always Slide
Yellow, Green, Red(2), Green, Blue, Red, Yellow AT&T BallPark
Yellow, Green, Red, Blue(4), Red Auto Kick
Green, Red, Yellow, Blue, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green Extra Line 6 Tones!
Green, Red, Green, Blue, Red(2), Yellow, Blue Flame Color
Blue, Red(2), Green, Red, Green, Red, Yellow Gem Color
Green, Blue, Red, Yellow(2), Red, Green(2). HyperSpeed(known as HyperGuitar, HyperBass, and HyperDrums)
Green, Red, Yellow(3), Blue(2), Green Invisible Rocker
Blue, Red, Blue(2), Yellow(3), Green Jonny Viper!
Green, Red, Blue, Green, Red, Blue(2), Green Nick!
Yellow(2), Blue, Red, Blue, Green, Red(2) Performance Mode
Blue, Blue, Red, Green(2), Blue(2), Yellow Quickplay Songs
Blue, Red, Green(2), Yellow(3), Green Rina!
Red(2), Yellow, Red, Blue, Red(2), Blue Star Color
Blue(2), Red, Green(2), Blue(2), Yellow Unlock all tracks
Red, Green(2), Yellow, Blue, Green, Yellow, Green Vocal FireBall

Tutti i Successi Segreti:
Questa è una lista di tutti i successi segreti e come sbloccarli
1.21 Jigowatts?!?!(15) Tutti band members attivate star power allo stesso istante
50 Note Posse (15) Tutti band members ottenete un 50 note streak allo stesso istante (4 player band)
A Pair Beats A Pair (5) Completate un Xbox LIVE 2 v 2 Pro Face-Off match (vincere o perdere)
Axe Museum(20) Sbloccate tutte le chitarre
Bad to the Bone (10) Scuotere come lo Skeleton
Band on a Mission (25) Completate la maggior parte dei gigs (Band o Solo)
Bling, Bling (30) Guadagnare $1,000,000 in lifetime earnings
Custom Beats (5) Create il vostro unico custom drums
Don't Blink (10) Scuotere come Travis Barker
Download Junkie (5) Scaricare un paio di songs da GHTunes
Easy There (25) Completate una Career su easy (Band o Solo)
Feeding the Beast (5) Caricate una song a GHTunes
First of Many (10) Completate un gig (Band o Solo)
Get your Boogie on (30) Segnare almeno 222,222 su Satch Boogie come Lead Guitarist
Guitarist's Coattails(10) Ottenere il più alto score nella band come lead o bass guitar (4 player band)
Hall of Famer (100) Completate una Career su expert (Band o Solo)
Hardcore (60) Completate una Career su hard (Band o Solo)
Heavy Metall…(35) Segnare almeno 444,444 sul song Trapped Under Ice
Inked (5) Create un custom tattoo
Jack of All Trades (150) Completate tutti instrument careers - qualsiasi difficoltà (Band o Solo)
Leading Lady (10) Scuotere come Hayley Williams
Learning the Ropes (5) Completate un tutorial
Medium Musician (30) Completate una Career su medium (Band o Solo)
Mike Checka' (30) Segnare almeno 123,450 come Vocalist su Beat It
Mine is Bigger Than Yours (5) Completate un Xbox LIVE Band v Band match (vincere o perdere)
Motorcity Madman (10) Scuotere come Ted Nugent
Muse to my Ears (30) Segnare almeno 222,222 su Assassin come un Drummer
One Man Band (10) Performate come ogni instrument almeno una volta (Vocals, Lead, Bass & Drums)
One Of A Kind Axe (5) Create la vostra unica custom guitar
One Time Solo Artist (5) Completate una song (Solo)
Pick and Axe (5) Performate come un Guitarist (Band o Solo)
Platinum Rockstars (50) 100% una song come una band, hard o expert solo (4 player band)
Pumpkin Smasher (10) Scuotere come Billy Corgan
Rock Maiden (5) Create un membro femminile della band
Shiny Metal Thingy (10) Scuotere come Rokubot
Should We Stick Together? (10) Completate una song in uba band (4 player band)
Solid Gold Rockstars (30) 100% una song come una band (4 player band)
Solo Artist (25) Completate un solo career (qualsiasi difficoltà)
Stamp Of Approval (5) Creare il vostro unico band logo
Stix (5) Performate come un Drummer (Band o Solo)
Super Group Unite(15) Guadagnate un 8x multiplier con il resto della band allo stesso tempo
Survival of the Fittest (5) Completate un Xbox LIVE Battle Mode match (vincere o perdere)
The Dark Prince (10) Scuotere come Ozzy Osbourne
The Experience (10) Scuotere come Jimi Hendrix
TOOL of Destruction(35) Segnare almeno 444,444 sul song Schism
Top of the Charts (30) Completate una band career (qualsiasi difficoltà)
Vocalist's Coattails(10) Possedere il più alto score in una band come vocalist
Warrior Of Rock (5) Create un band member maschile
Wylde Man (10) Scuotere come Zack Wylde
Yodeler (5) Performate come un Vocalist (Band o Solo)

Personaggi sbloccabili:
Billy Corgan Suonare la song 'Today' in band career.
Hayley Williams Suonare la song 'Misery Business' in vocals career.
Ozzy Osbourne Suonare la Ozzfest gig in vocals career.
Rockubot Completate drum career.
Skeleton Completate vocals career.
Sting Suonare la song 'Demolition Man' in bass career.
Ted Nugent Finire la sua guitar battle in guitar career.
Travis Barker Suonare la song 'Dammit' in drum career.
Zakk Wylde Finire la sua guitar battle in guitar career.
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